Friday, October 10, 2014

The common ancestor of all living things - Did it exist?  

Whale and bacteria, human and orchid - seems like, they have nothing in common, but if you dig deeper, you find that the similarities are there. Almost all living things contain genetic code, and the sequence of genome resembles family tree - it can be said that all the diversity of life can be reduced to a single universal ancestor. However, is it true? From a school lesson to the present day, scientists and teachers assert one hypothesis that evolution is the only logical explanation of life development. I as a student of Nazarbayev University with Biology major was wondering, how can a simple single cell transformed into a functional organism - human?

Can theory of evolution explain the origin of human?

Let's start with the fact that Evolution is a fundamental scientific idea that all things tend to gradually qualitatively change by the influence of the environment. Often, it explains a great diversity of living creatures, which we observe in nature, sources and reasons for its occurrence. The theory of evolution, as well as any scientific theory is built on objectively observable phenomena and facts. Here is their summary: 
  1. Genetic information. All living organisms have genetic information in the form of DNA and RNA, which is directly involved in the construction of all signs of the organism itself. Explaining the complex principles of realization of genetic information does not make sense, since nerds will skip and noobs simply will not understand.
  2. Reproduction. All living organisms are able to reproduce themselves, using their genome, while not all the genes accurately copied and transmitted to descendants.
  3. The lack of everything. In any particular moment, resources and space are limited.

From these three facts, an equality can be obtained:
Exponential (uncontrolled) reproduction of organisms + limited resources and space = competition
Gene + mutation = variation of organisms
Variations of organisms + competition = natural selection
Natural selection + time = evolution

This seems true as 2 + 2 = 4. As we can see, preconditions of the evolution theory are quite clear and start from quite practical experience. So why does the theory of evolution still remain unclear for many people? There are several reasons:
  • Firstly, the changes occur very slowly. Although the appearance of a single adaptive trait may be noticeable in the course of human life - for example, a change in the beak of Darwin's finches. But the transition, let us say, from dinosaurs to birds held dozens of millions of years.
  • Secondly, many of us are constantly overlooked by the fact that the unit of evolution is not an individual organism, but its genes.

Amazing cell structure and the collapse of the evolution theory

During those years when Darwin lived, the complex structure of cells was not known. For this simple reason, to a question of origin of life evolutionists of that period responded: "Accident or natural processes ..." and they believe that their answer was convincing. Meanwhile, the technology of the 20th and the current 21st century showed that the cell is a very complex system, which people have ever met. Today we all know that in the cell there are centers for energy generation, factories that manufacture for the livelihoods of hormones and enzymes, information center, transport system, pipeline, laboratory and factories for the processing and purification of products coming from the external environment. All of this is only a small part of the complex structure of the cell. Evolutionist and scientist W. Thorpe wrote:
"The mechanism of even the simplest living cell is incomparably more complex than any machine produced by man, and even those he dreams to produce."

Work on the creation of artificial cells have always ended in failure. So that today nobody given by a similar purpose and work in this direction. Despite the fact that all human efforts, knowledge and technology are not able to devise such a system. However, the theory of evolution argues appearance of life on earth "by chance". This can be compared to an encyclopedia written by one explosion in a printing house. A similar comparison made ​​an English mathematician and astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle in the magazine «Nature» about the "accidental" formation of a living cell: 
"It's like having a bunch of scrap metal scattered by vortex, which then turned into a Boeing 747."

The random cell formation is not possible, and no doubt that the "Evolution" is not appropriate theory to explain the formation of a complex organism 

From the context, it is clear that the theory of evolution only explains the reasons and mechanisms of change of living organisms, but does not deal with the origin of life. The main reason for unexplainable random occurrence of cells by evolution theory is "Unsimplifiable complexity" of the cell. Live cell functions through a harmonious activity of the set of its constituent particles. The absence of at least one of these particles destroys the cell. The cell can not wait for the unconscious processes such as natural selection and mutation that will improve. Consequently, the first cell that emerged on Earth shall consist of all necessary for its viability particles and have the appropriate functions.